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Which nutrients are babies and infants easily lack of?


We thought that baby and infants are easily lack of heat energy and the following nutrients.

⑴Heat energy: Heat energy is supplied with protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. If the intake is few (insufficient breast milk, being choosy food, eating snacks, etc) that will lead to insufficient heat energy. The weight has no increase or increasing slowly in short-term, while malnutrition in long-term.

⑵Protein: Protein was mainly provided by animal food or milk. Newborn baby can be artificial feeding if mother's breast milk is insufficient after he was born, feeding him with such rice paste or malted milk, sweet condensed milk, etc will lack of protein. These babies do not look so thin, but their muscles are not strong and growing developments are slow, and usually get sick.

⑶Lack of vitamin D: Even breast milk also lack of vitamin D. Baby who's feeding with breast milk should be supplied in time, and those who fed with milk must be supplied more. The skeleton growth will be affected due to lacking of vitamin D, and will suffer from rickets easily.

⑷Iron: Iron is one of hematopoietic raw materials. Baby obtained iron which can be used for 3-4 months from his mother and reserved on body after he was born. If baby can not be supplied with the iron-rich food after 4 months later, the trophism iron deficiency anemia will be appeared. The iron content and the rate of absorption is high in fish, meat, pork liver and animal blood, the iron content in soybeans are not low. Vitamin C can promote the absorption of iron which can be supplied to baby appropriately.

⑸Calcium: Calcium is an important ingredient of skeleton. At present, the adult's diet is lacking of calcium, children are at the stage of growing development and they need more calcium than adults. Although the content of calcium in breast milk is low, the proportion of calcium and phosphorus is appropriate; the calcium content in cow's milk is higher than breast milk, but phosphorus content is high and affects the absorption of calcium. The absorption of calcium relies on the function of vitamin D, lacking of vitamin D will reduce the absorption of calcium. It should be noted that cow's milk and calcium cannot be taken at the same time, because it will cause precipitation of milk when they met.


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