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The causes of baby hyperhidrosis and nursing methods -1


Parents often say that no matter in summer or in winter, baby always perspires. Parents always want to know what caused baby hyperhidrosis and they are worried whether baby is sick.

Generally speaking, baby perspires more than adults. The perspiration is secreted by the skin sweat gland; the sweat gland is an important structure of body temperature adjustment in human body skin. Because the exuberant metabolism in childhood and the amount of movement is big, especially the moisture content in infant's skin and its surface distribution of microvascular are more, therefore, the evaporation of moisture from the skin is also more than adult. The self-control ability of cold and hot is poor, even at night, children perspire, which is a normal phenomenon.

Baby's sweat glands that secrete too much is called hyperhidrosis. The reasons of baby hyperhidrosis are mainly because of these two aspects: physiological hyperhidrosis and pathological hyperhidrosis.

The origin of normal reason for infant hyperhidrosis:

Most of baby hyperhidrosis are normal, medically known as physiological hyperhidrosis. Such as the hot weather in summer leads to baby hyperhidrosis; when baby just falls into sleep, his head and neck perspire and when he falls into deep sleep, the sweat reduced; when baby plays and runs, he sweats a lot and the situation is good; baby wears too much clothes in winter and he covers thick quilt at night, together with the high temperature of indoor air-condition, which makes baby sweat much. Some babies perspire only limited to head and forehead, commonly known as "steam head", it is also physiological sweating, and parents do not need to worry.

The abnormal reasons of baby hyperhidrosis

Some certain diseases caused baby hyperhidrosis, it shows that baby perspires much when he was quiet or just fell into sleep. The sweat can wet the pillows and clothes; it called "pathological hyperhidrosis". For example, infant activity rickets, activity tuberculosis, hypoglycemia, excessive taking antipyretic medicines and mental factors, such as over-excitement, fear, and so on. There are some babies have endocrine diseases (such as hyperthyroidism etc) which will cause pathological hyperhidrosis. In addition to sweat more, there are many other manifestations of disease; parents should take baby to hospital for further inspection.

(1)Activity rickets. Hyperhidrosis happened on baby who under one-year-old, if he lacked of outdoor activities in the sun and did not have fish-liver oil and calcium powder, parents should observe whether baby has other manifestations of rickets, such as crying at night, sleeping on the pillow, weeping and shaking his head which will cause occipital hair loss (also called pillow bare), ping-pong head (occipital bone sclerotin softened, feel like touching table tennis), square skull (forehead protuberate assumed square-box shape), the bregma is big and closed late etc. Parents should take baby to see the doctor to confirm the diagnosis.

(2)Activity tuberculosis. Baby not only perspires much on midnight, but also perspires before daybreak; it called "night sweat". At the same time, there are performances such as poor appetite, low heat in the afternoon (some high fevers), face flushing and emaciated, some cough, liver splenomegaly, lymph node tumescent and so on. Often there is tuberculosis history on family, the elderly, parents or nannies who suffered from tuberculosis.

(3)Hypoglycemia. Often found in the hot summer days, the baby perspires much, he refused to eat at night and listlessness when woke up in the morning. Baby feels anxious and restless, cream-faced, cold sweat and even sweating, four limbs feel cold etc.

(4)Pediatric endocrine diseases (this kind of disease causes hyperhidrosis to be rarer). Such as hyperthyroidism seen in children with school-age, girls are more. It may be expressed as hyperhidrosis, irritable mood, appetite hyperfunction but the body weight does not increase flustered, palpitation, and even protruding eyeballs etc. Baby with obesity is easy to sweat, when he moves or walks, and perspires.

(5)Other pediatric acute and chronic infectious diseases can also cause hyperhidrosis. Simultaneously is accompanied by other clinical manifestations: such as typhoid fever, septicaemia, rheumatoid, connective tissue disease, lupus erythematosus or blood diseases etc.







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