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Six principles of baby diet in Autumn and Winter


1. Ingest high protein and high fat food reasonably

Some parents mistakenly believed that babies need more high protein and high fat food in winter in order to resist the cold weather. Modern scientific research confirmed that in cold weather, the organism's endocrine system of baby also be mobilized, which will increase baby's ability of heat production. Therefore, the different amount of energy which baby needs in seasons is not so big. So parents don't feed baby foods with too much high protein and fat, so as not to bring burden for baby's body.

2. Strengthening the supplement of vitamin

The outdoor activities of baby in winter are relatively fewer and the time of outdoor basking is short, baby is easy to suffer from vitamin D deficiency. This needs mother to supplement vitamin D regularly for baby and the specific supplement dose and times should be done by pediatrician's advice. Cold weather makes oxidation functions of human body quicken and the metabolism of vitamin in baby's body will be quickened obviously. Vitamin A can strengthen baby's cold hardiness; vitamin C can improve baby's adaptability of cold and has well protection to the blood vessel. Parents should supplement baby with vitamin in diet timely.

3. Pay attention to the ingestion of inorganic salt

Medical research indicated that, people easily feel cold if the body lacks of inorganic salt. Inorganic salts like calcium, iron, zinc, natrium, cuprum etc. are the nutriments which can be easily short of under the hiemal climate condition. Milk, animal liver, green vegetables, soy products, kelp, seaweed are rich in these nutrients and they are the first choice for baby to resist cold in winter. To help baby increase the ingestion of inorganic salt and to help baby resisting cold, it is proposed that parents should feed baby with more vegetable like carrots, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, lotus roots, green vegetables and Chinese cabbages in winter.

4. Say goodbye to baby's "holiday illness"

Christmas, New Year's Day, Spring Festival......winter is a season which many traditional festivals coming and with the joy atmosphere of family reunion, parents often connive their baby to drink or eat too much drinks and snacks which will make stimulation to baby's gastric mucosa by cold and vasoconstriction, and will cause indigestion and diarrhea. As soon as the festival comes, baby takes too much food and easily cause stack food, such as sweet potato and peanuts, sweet potato and egg, eats hot and cold food, especially taking cold food after hot food, which will make the foods "fighting" in stomach. The abdomen catches cold after eating too much stodgy food is the inducement which leads to gastrointestinal dysfunction. Parents should help baby to arrange healthy diet in winter and avoid becoming "holiday illness" baby.

5. Baby should mainly take hot food

Raw and cold food is not easy to digest and will hurt baby's little spleen and stomach, especially for those babies who have deficiency and cold of spleen and stomach. The food in winter should be hot, such as soups, braise or stew food and so on. In addition, the thermolysis of food in winter is quick, Raw and cold food is not easy to digest and will hurt baby's little spleen and stomach, especially for those babies who have deficiency and cold of spleen and stomach. The food in winter should be hot, such as soups, braise or stew food and so on. In addition, the thermolysis of food in winter is quick, and if the food is cooked with starch, such as a thick soup, which can maintain the temperature of the dishes effectively. But also have to avoid too hot food.

6. Improving baby’s partiality of foods

Due to the climate in winter, baby will require a higher body diathesis; therefore, baby cannot have partiality of food in winter. However, compared with other seasons, winter is a good chance to change baby's partiality of food. Why? Because baby needs more energy to resist the cold in winter, and correspondingly, baby's appetite will be quite good. Coupled with the low temperature, some tastes of foods which babies hate will become tasteless. When parents are processing with the foods which baby dislike, they only need to pay a little attention to the colors and mastication of the foods; it may help to change the food which babies dislike into the one with the colors and shapes they like to increase baby's appetite. And when spring comes, your baby may already change the defect of partiality of foods.

Baby should not be overfed in winter, otherwise baby will easy to become lazy and unwilling to exercise under the stimulation of cold air. And under the situation of lacking exercise, baby's metabolism will become slow, which cause baby indigestion and other subhealthy phenomenon.



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