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How to nurse infant eczema -2


4. The room should keep appropriate room temperature, because higher room temperature will aggravate the pruritus feeling of eczema.

5. Child must wear soft, loose cotton fabric underwear and to avoid wearing chemical fiber fabric, moreover, to avoid all the wool fabric and woolen yarn clothing. Baby's diaper should be washed and changed frequently.

6. Baby can take 0.2% of syrup diphenhydramine orally. The dosage of the medicine should according to 1-2 milligrame per kilogram avoirdupois everyday, for 3-4 times to take. Baby can also take chlorpheniramine orally. The dosage of the medicine should according to 0.35 milligrame per kilogram avoirdupois everyday, for 3-4 times to take.

7. For those small and less severe eczema, glucocorticoid ointment could be used in the affected part (such as Piyanping ointment and compound dexamethasone cream etc), but because these kind of medicine has a certain side-effect, they need to be used under doctor's instruction. Moreover, it is not suitable to spread too thick. For those babies who suffer from sebaceous flux eczema, only need to spread some vegetable oil (such as tea oil etc) in the affected part, the scab skin will intenerate and fall off gradually. For the baby whose skin is debaucjed, may use the clean-bacteria lotion to wash out the extravasate, and then daub some zinc chloride oil in the affected part (2-3 times a day); or spread some boric acid solution with 3% concentration in affected part and then daub some zinc chloride oil (2-3 times a day). After extravasate decreased, only daub boron zinc paste, 2-3 times a day until fully recovered. When there is secondary infection, some antibiotics can be used, such as neomycin ointment, mupirocin Ointment etc.

8. Parents should avoid baby to contact people who has herpes simplex during the period of illness, to avoid baby suffer from Kaposi's varicelliform eruption.

9. Before baby going to sleep, parents should properly astrict baby’s hands to avoid baby claw his skin.

Besides the points mentioned above, parents should notice that infant eczema has a lot of symptoms which are similar to infant atopic dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis etc. Therefore, once baby's skin has appeared erythema papilla, they should be sent to the hospital immediately to avoid delaying illness by misdiagnosis of infant eczema.





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